Hirakata (by Corbofo)

Hirakata is a free application (no adverts, no in-app purchases) to learn to read katakana and hiragana (Hiragana and katakana are Japanese syllabaries, parts of the Japanese writing system).

Hirakata provide learn and test sessions

You can learn stroke order and hear how to pronounce kanas.

Adaptative learning session based on what you have to learn.

You've got access to progressive levels with nice learning curve.

Test your reading abilities different ways.

Hirakata provide tables to see all basic hiragana and katakana.

Monitor your progress.

Hirakata (by Corbofo) is now available on App Store and on Google Play.

Learn stroke order

You can see stroke order for a hiragana and its matching katakana.

Kana are pronounced

You can hear most common pronunciation for each kana.

Adaptative learning session

Each time you make a mistake in a test, the adaptative learning session counter increment. This session will provide a special learning with the kanas involved in the mistakes.

Learning curve

Each level more kana to learn but with a progressive amonth.

Hirakata test your reading skills

During first levels you have to pair each hiragana with it's matching katakana. And in the quizz each random kana has to match within the full romanji list.

Hiragana table

Katakana table

Monitor your progress

See your previous scores in differents tests and quizz in scores charts.

Hirakata is now available on App Store.

Download on the App Store App Store® and Apple logo® are trademarks of Apple Inc.

Hirakata is now available on Google Play.

Get it on Google Play Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.